In October 2018 I started working at Great Northern Way Scene Shop, housed in Vancouver's new shared studio building, the Arts Factory. GNW serves the theatre and live event companies of Vancouver, creating set pieces, display setups & props, and installation art pieces.
Through October, November, & December I contributed to several productions; The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at Pacific Theatre, The East Van Panto for Theatre Replacement, and Children of God for Urban Ink. Over December & into January 2019 I was making rocks for MEC, see my earlier blog post... then in late January & February I got to paint the floor, the set, and the wall murals for "Jesus Freak" at Pacific Theatre as well as a few set pieces for touring children's theatre shows. Please click "Read More" to see below!
![]() Fake Rocks Over December 2018 - January 2019 I had the pleasure of casting multiple cement "rocks" for people to test their shoes on at Mountain Equipment Co-op, through my work at Great Northern Way Scene Shop. This was actually the second round of rocks that were built at GNW; this year's rocks were made to be smaller, easier to step on and off, accompaniment to the first round which were bigger & steeper. Props artist Tara Wallace created the sculpture and the mould, with support from Che Campbell who created the rotating table to cast the rocks in. Here are some "behind the scenes" shots of this process! Each rock has 4 adjustable feet set in with rebar posts and a piece of metal mesh to support the structure, as well as a styrofoam core to lessen the weight of the finished piece. They were all finished with a mixture of concrete sealant product, tint, and some of the cement for texture. |
AuthorAmira Emma Routledge, Archives
October 2020
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